December 25, 2003
kozy k endeth
If you love Kozy K, I'm sorry to break your hearts, but it's over now. We've gotten to the end of Clay Welch's comic strip -- funny how time flies when you don't have to care about newspapers not being printed during school vacations or getting bumped from the paper that day because the page space isn't there.

Anyway, I'm glad I was finally able to show Clay's work here. Thanks much, Mister Clay! And thanks to all those who read the strip!

Posted at December 25, 2003 08:11 PM

In case you've got the pe_aott feed at Livejournal, you'll notice that they've gone ahead and dumped the last dozen or so posts in your friends page. It's been happening to a bunch of rss feeds over there. Lovely free service.

Posted by: cartoonlad at December 25, 2003 10:12 PM